Faith and Worship

closely clWorship at St. Mary’s C of E Aided Primary School is central to our school life. We aim to make it as accessible and enjoyable as possible for all our children, staff and visitors.

In Collective Worship we aim:

  • to enrich and support spiritual development and integrity
  • to develop an understanding of the Christian faith and the nature of worship
  • to promote awareness of beliefs, practices and worship of other faiths
  • to celebrate the values of the school community
  • to contribute to moral and social development
  • to promote a sense of self esteem

Each half term an overview of worship is created that links liturgically with the church year, this is based on materials produced by the Rochester Diocesan Board of Education, but is adapted to fit with the Christian values and events personal to our school.  This informs all our Collective Worship and provides a cohesive approach.

Throughout the year, there is a pattern of worship which links St. Mary’s Primary School with St. Mary’s Church. The main Christian Festivals are celebrated as part of this pattern.  These services are often planned and run by our Ethos Group.  Each class leads worship in church on a Sunday once during the academic year.

The clergy of St. Mary’s Church work closely with the school; leading worship in EYFS/KS1 fortnightly and Eucharist on a Thursday every fortnight.

Parents retain the right to withdraw their children from collective worship.

Our plans for Collective Worship can be found here:

Our most recent Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) report can be found here.